
Article I, Name:

The name of this organization shall be the Superstition Spacemodeling Society, hereinafter referred to in these Bylaws as the SSS.

Article II, Purpose and Organization:

Section 1: Purposes of the SSS:

(a) To further the aims and purposes of the National Association of Rocketry (NAR) in the State of Arizona.
(b) To operate and maintain one or more rocket ranges, as necessary to support flight activities of the membership, in accordance with NAR Safety Codes, and all applicable local, state, or federal regulations.
(c) To hold meetings for the purpose of coordinating activities of the SSS, and aiding and encouraging all those interested in rocketry.
(d) To engage in scientific, educational, or other related activities as the NAR or the SSS may, from time to time, deem necessary or desirable in connection with the foregoing.

Section 2: Organization of the SSS:

(a) The SSS shall be an Arizona Limited Liability Company (LLC)
(b) The SSS shall be an Arizona nonprofit company and a federally recognized 501(c)3 organization.

Article III, Membership:

Section 1: Membership in the SSS may be obtained by completing the membership application and submitting it with payment of club dues to the club Treasurer or designated alternate.

Section 2: The membership of the SSS shall comprise the following classes: (a) Senior Membership, (b) Junior Membership, (c) Associate Membership.

Section 3: Senior members shall be those persons 21 years of age or older.

Section 4: Junior members shall be those persons at least 16 years of age, and under 21 years of age.

Section 5: Associate members shall be those persons who wish to support SSS, but do not wish to hold office or vote at membership meetings.

Section 6: Members in good standing are those whose dues are no more than 30 days in arrears.

Section 7: The SSS shall encourage its members to join NAR.

Article IV, Dues:

The SSS will levy annual dues as determined by a vote of the club officers. SSS dues are annual fees paid at the time of new or renewing membership. Dues for new memberships may be prorated after the beginning of the dues annual cycle. SSS dues are separate and distinct from the national dues paid to the NAR or other rocketry associations. All dues become part of the SSS General Fund and are to be paid out as directed by the Officers to cover club expenses.

Article V: General Membership Meetings:

Section 1: Meetings of the SSS General Membership shall be held at least ten (10) times per year at times and places designated by the SSS Officers. Operation of the rocket range shall not be considered a meeting. Meetings shall be conducted and governed by "Robert's Rules of Order, Revised."

Section 2: Senior Members in good standing are eligible to vote on SSS business at any General Membership Meeting.

Section 3: A quorum for General Membership Meetings shall consist of at least one-third (1/3) of the number of Senior members if there are fifty (50) Senior members or less; one-fourth of the number of Senior members, if there are more than fifty (50) and less than seventy-five (75) Senior members; or one-fifth (1/5) of the number of Senior members if there are 75 or more Senior members.

Section 4: Members of all classes shall be entitled to attend all business and other meetings of the SSS, and to address the membership at those meetings.

Section 5: Members of all classes shall be entitled to bring items of business before the Officers at any General Membership Meeting or Officer’s Meeting.

Section 6: Senior Members in good standing may initiate the process for a vote to be taken by the membership of SSS on any matter, modify or veto a decision by the Officers, or recall any of the Officers. The vote of the General Membership shall supersede any decision of the Officers.

Article VI: SSS Officers:

Section 1: The SSS Officers shall consist of a total of seven (7) members all of whom shall be Senior members and members of NAR. The officers shall be a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Member at Large. In addition, a senior member of the NAR shall serve as the NAR Section Advisor. The NAR Section Advisor may hold any other officer
position, but no officer shall hold more than two ( 2) positions, and no officer shall have more than one vote.

Section 2: A quorum for any SSS Officer’s meeting shall consist of more than one-half (1/2) of the total number of voting Board members.

Section 3: Past members of the SSS Officers may be appointed as non-voting Board members by a majority vote of the SSS Officers.

Section 4: Officer meetings shall be open to all SSS members. SSS members shall be allowed to address the officers on all issues before the board, and to bring issues to the officers for consideration.

Section 5: All SSS Officer meetings will be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order, with minutes kept, recorded, and published to the membership.

Section 6: The SSS Officers shall manage all affairs of the SSS. The SSS Officers shall have authority over SSS finances.

Section 7: The SSS Officers shall meet at least monthly. The President or a simple majority of the members of the SSS Officers may call an Officer meeting. The President or his designated alternate shall be responsible for establishing the agenda for the Officer meetings. The agenda shall be published to the SSS Officers and General Membership.

Section 8: All questions before the SSS Officers shall be decided by a majority vote at announced Officer meetings. An exception may be made for minor expenditures to support club operations, which may be decided by a vote via e-mail. Decisions made via e-mail shall be confirmed at the next SSS Officer meeting, and be r ecorded in the minutes of that meeting.

Article VII: Elections:

Section 1: Elections of the SSS Officers shall take place annually at the November membership meeting. The SSS Officers shall provide to the SSS membership, no less than thirty (30) days in advance of the election meeting, notice of the election and instructions regarding the nomination and election of candidates.

Section 2: The NAR Section Advisor shall be elected by SSS Senior members who are also NAR members in good standing.

Section 3: All members of the board shall serve a term of one (1) year, January through December.

Section 4: Members of the SSS Officers may be removed from office by petition and vote of the SSS Senior Members. The petition must clearly state the reason or reasons for requesting the removal of an officer and must be signed by not less than two-thirds (2/3) of the Senior Members in good standing. Upon receipt of the petition and verification of the signatures the
Officers shall call a special membership meeting to hold the removal vote. The meeting shall be scheduled for not more than four (4) weeks after receipt of the petition. Notice of the meeting shall be sent to all SSS members not less than two weeks prior to the date of the meeting. A
three-fourths (3/4) majority vote of those Senior members present and in good standing is required to remove an officer.

Section 5: Should a vacancy among the SSS Officers occur prior to the November election, the remaining term of office shall be filled by an SSS Senior member in good standing, nominated and elected by a popular vote of the members in attendance at the next scheduled membership

Article VIII: Committees:

Committees may be established by the SSS Officers to meet the needs and operational requirements of the membership. It shall be the duty of the Vice President to oversee all committees and to report on their operation and progress when requested by the SSS Officers.

Article IX: SSS Property and Assets:

Section 1: Cash assets of the SSS shall be kept in one or more accounts at a recognized banking institution. The President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall each have signature authority for those accounts.

Section 2: Physical assets of the SSS which require registration by the State of Arizona shall be registered as the property of the LLC.

Article X: Amendments:

These bylaws may be amended at any membership meeting of the SSS provided written notice of the pending amendment(s) has been sent to the membership at least thirty (30) days in advance of the meeting. Passage of a bylaw amendment requires a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the SSS Senior members in good standing.

Article XI: Disciplinary Actions:

For conduct prejudicial to the objectives, reputation, or property of the SSS, or for failure to observe and abide by the Safety Code(s) of the SSS, or the safety code(s) of NAR, a member of any class may be suspended or expelled by a unanimous vote of the SSS Officers. In cases where there is reasonable evidence that a member’s activity was in deliberate violation of the Safety Code(s) of the SSS, the President of the SSS shall immediately suspend the membership of the said member.

Copyright 2013-2022 Superstition Spacemodeling Society, LLC. A 501(c)(3) organization. All rights reserved